An Erasmus+ KA220-HED Project
eTwinning Across Cultures: Collaborative Heritage Education
Cultural Heritage virtual Exchange on primary, secondary and tertiary level.
The Erasmus+ KA220 project eTwinning Across Cultures: Collaborative Heritage Education (eTACCHE) integrates eTwinning into teacher education to enhance digital literacy, intercultural competence, and cultural heritage education across primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. Five European partner institutions collaborate to develop eTwinning project kits, VR learning environments, and teacher training seminars to promote innovative, cross-border learning experiences. By embedding eTwinning into Initial Teacher Education (ITE), the project fosters sustainable, technology-enhanced pedagogical approaches for future educators.
Presentation of the eTwinning Cultural Heritage framework at the IAIE, Budapest
Second Transnational Partner Meeting at the University of Crete.
The project partners include Ludwigsburg University of Education, Tallinn University, University of Crete, Gordon College of Education Haifa, and University of Oradea.
The key outputs of the project include the development of eTwinning project kits, eTwinning seminars, webinars for in-service teachers, VR-based learning
The goal of the eTACCHE project is to enhance cultural heritage education across primary, secondary, and tertiary levels using eTwinning and digital tools.
The project includes a dedicated section for VR environments for cultural heritage exploration.
The eTACCHE project brings together five partner institutions:
Oct-Dec 2024
First steps and kick-off meeting at Ludwigsburg University of Education (Project Coordinators)
Jan-Jun 2025
Development of eTwinning course framework, first project kits, webinars for future and in-service teachers, and Virtual Reality environments. Transnational Project Meeting at University of Crete.
Jun 2025 – Jan 2027
… of student-created eTwinning Project Kits at schools. Fine-tuning of course concept, VR-environments and project kits. Dissemination of outputs and research findings. Transnational Project Meetings at University of Oradea and Tallinn.
Jan – Sep 2027
End of the last etwinning course cohort. Further dissemination of the project and its products on project website and European School and Education Platform (ESEP). Final project report.